2 minute read

As part of my job I had to very often check which branch was deployed, and when, to a specific environment, usually a UAT client’s site.

We use GitLab for deployments, and each of our deployment has an environment associate with it. So, my workflow was to click on the deployment job for the site I was interested in. For there click on the environment link on the top of the page. There GitLab shows all the deployment, so it was just a matter of looking for the latest successful one. And this is where the problem was.

From some time ago, a lot of cancelled jobs started appearing. I have never found out exactly why, some collegues told me it was because with every push to any branch GitLab was creating a job, which was automatically cancelled as the deployment is only manually triggered. Whether that was tru or not, or whether it was our setup at fault or GitLab didn’t matter. What mattered was that it took me too long to find what I was looking for: the latest deployment information. Once I had to go through more than 40 pages!! Something had to be done.

I am learning Vue and in one of the lessons I was following Vuetify was mentioned. It looked very impressive so I decided to build something in VueJS and using Vuetify to help me in my work.

You can find the result of my efforts in this repository.

I went through few iterations, as yuo can see from the tags. Initially, I fixed the project I was working, as that was the one I was, well, doing my work in. But then I realised I could make it more general and I added a select field for choosing which project to display.

Also, I started by retrieving the information for all environments in the project. We have over 170 environments in that project and making all those API call every time didn’t seem the right thing to do. So later I refactored the code and added a toggle for each environment. I’m never interested in all the environments to just getting the information I required seemed a good solution.

You may also noticed that although the table is sortable by various columns, I don’t order the data, and if you refresh the page a few times you’ll see the initial 10 are not always the same. Apart from being a waste of time to sort them beforehand since you can sort them with a simple click, I never scroll through the table but instead use the amazing searching capability that the <v-data-table> Vuetify component offers.

That’s pretty much it. It’s not a very complicated Vue app, but I am very happy with the result. It looks amazing and it was fun to write. But most importantly, it saves me SO much time.

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